Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Candy pants

I made these to match the Short Notice cardigan I made for my friend's daughter. I designed this baby pants pattern where you can mix and match and do the edging, colours and texture that you want. There is also the option of making the leg longer and folding it up when your baby puts it on. That way they can use it for a longer time as they grow.

A great project for using up leftovers from your stash, or for a last minute gift :)

Size: 3-9 months
Yarn: Aran weight yarn of your choice suitable for babies.
Needles: 5.5mm and 5mm needles
Gauge: 16 sts and 22 rows of stockinette stitch per 10 cm (4 inches).

Top part

On 5mm needles, CO 60 sts with the twisted German cast on method. 
Join to work in the round: the beginning of round is the middle of the back. Remember to place a marker if you are working on circular needles. 

Rnds 1-8: K2, P2 to end

Switch to 5.5mm needles

Rnd 9-13: K all sts
Rnd 14: *K3, Kfb* repeat until last 4 sts in rnd, K4 (74 sts)
Rnd 15-36: K all sts

Left leg

Before separating for each leg, 2 sts are decreased at the crotch: 
Next round: BO 1 st on beg of rnd, K 34 sts, slip last knitted st back on the left needle, pass next st over the last knitted st, then slip st back on right needle. Place 37 sts on holder. 

Work 35 remaining sts on the round

K all sts until leg measures 5 cm (2 inches)

Dec rnd: K1, ssk, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1
K all sts for next 3 rnds
Repeat these last 4 rnds 4 times in total (27 sts)

K all sts for the next 10 rnds or desired length.

Edging: Seed stitch

Switch to 5mm needles.
Note: if you are switching colors here like I did, K one round in the new color first without seed st. This is so that the purl bumps on the first round of seed stitch don't pick up the previous color.   

Rnd 1: *K1, P1* to end
Rnd 2: *P1, K1* to end
Repeat these two rounds 4 times or until desired length. 

BO all stitches relatively loosely -- I recommend a regular BO on larger needles. If you plan to make a folded edge, a stretchy BO method might be better (this is a relatively uncomplicated option).

Right leg

Put sts from holder to the 5.5mm needles and join yarn. Here it might be smart to leave a tail of yarn which you can use later to sew the crotch together.

Continue the same way as with left leg. 

Sew together at the crotch and all loose ends.


  1. Hi there! Thank you for sharing this lovely pattern-this is my first time knitting pants and I am getting to the part where you divide and knit the legs and I am kind of stuck.
    After binding off the first stitch and knitting 34 more, what is the pattern saying when it says to "pass the last stitch over the last knitted stitch"?
    I have a feeling the answer might be super simple but I just can't seem to wrap my brain around it. :)
    Thank you again for the pattern-I have been having fun knitting these up so far!

  2. I've been working on this for my baby grandson, and its frustrating me.i have got to finishing 1 leg then joining yarn for the right leg.leg.why is there 42 stitches left to work with.i have 7 extra stitches .any advice would be really appreciated. X

  3. Would it be possible to make these for a 12 month old, would you know how to add enough stitches please.
